European Iyengar-Yoga-Convention Cologne 2009

Geeta S. Iyengar

DVD-Set: 7 DVDs
Preis: 54,00 €

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For the first time after her teaching tour through Europe in 2002, Geeta Iyengar visited Europe in May 2009 for two conventions in Germany and the UK. In Cologne she conducted a five day teachers convention, in which she demonstrated how to deepen one’s personal practice as well as how to share the work with students as a teacher.

Her presence coupled with her tremendous teaching experience and insights, the ‘aura’ of the venue itself -the historical ‘Gürzenich’- and the international community of highly motivated practitioners from 24 countries, worked together to create an inspiring, energized atmosphere throughout the entire event.

Geeta Iyengar is co-director of the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India. She is a dedicated disciple of her father Yogacharya Sri B.K.S. Iyengar, whose teaching she presents clearly and systematically, making her one of the world’s most respected yoga teachers.

DVD 1 – 7
1: Pranayama and Asana May 12
2: Pranayama and Asana May 13
3: Pranayama and Asana May 14
4: Pranayama and Asana May 15
5: Pranayama and Asana May 16
6: Q&A Sessions May 12 – 14
7: Chanting Session May 15, Lecture, Ciosing Event May 16